Meet Jon Raven: Your Dedicated Advocate for Logan

A Love for Logan

My journey in Logan began in 2009 when I chose to make it my home, settling down in Marsden. Today, I reside in Waterford West with my partner Alison, alongside my teenage children and a lively array of pets, including three horses, three dogs, a cat, and a guinea pig!

Business and Community

Before my role as a Councillor, I owned and operated an asbestos removal and demolition business. In 2017, I made the decision to sell my business to focus all my energy on serving the community. The skills, attitude, and strong work ethic I developed as a small business owner continue to guide me every day in my role as a Councillor.

8 Years of Dedication

In 2016, I was elected as a Councillor, and these past 8 years have been truly rewarding. My passion for working for the community is what drove me to become a Councillor. Whether it’s attending your clubs and special events, engaging in consultations for major park upgrades and traffic safety improvements, assisting you with Council’s services, advocating for additional facilities and fairer local laws, or keeping you informed during flooding and storm events, every moment has been a privilege.

A Vision for the Future

Mayor Darren Power has announced his retirement at the next election, and I aspire to build upon his successful work and become the next Mayor of Logan. During this term, I served as Deputy Mayor for two years, working closely with the Mayor to gain a deep understanding of the role’s requirements. I also chaired the Planning, Economic Development, and Environment committee, overseeing one of Council’s largest portfolios, which encompasses investment attraction, job creation, future planning, waste management, recycling, renewable energy, and environmental preservation.

Balancing Community, Environment, and Economy

From this extensive experience, I have learned the importance of balancing the community’s needs, environmental concerns, and economic growth. My knowledge spans strategic planning, governance, infrastructure, community services, finance, environmental sustainability, and economic development—these are the foundation of Council’s services that our community relies on and expects.

Building Relationships for Logan

On your behalf, I have fostered valuable networks and connections across various levels of government, businesses, and non-profit organizations, and these relationships benefit our city and community. My time as a Councillor and Deputy Mayor has prepared me for the next step, and I am fully committed to becoming your Mayor.

Leading Through Tough Times

Graham Able, my predecessor as a Councillor, left a lasting legacy of hard work and community focus. I continue to seek his advice and feedback on Council’s progress, considering him both a mentor and a friend.

Mentors and Challenges

I understand that times can be tough, with rising living costs and interest rates squeezing family budgets. In challenging times, strong leadership is crucial. I possess the experience and determination to guide us through these challenges successfully.

Shaping a Better Future

Our city stands at a critical juncture, and the hard decisions we make today will benefit us for decades to come. Every day, I strive to make Logan a better place, not only for the present but also for the future.

Connecting with Jon Raven

If you have something you’d like to bring to my attention, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’m frequently out and about, whether at local shops, on the roadside, or knocking on doors. Feel free to drop by and introduce yourself. Alternatively, you can follow me on Facebook to stay updated on my activities in your local area.