There’s a lot of questions that I get asked regularly about, so I’ve put them all in one place! 😅

What party is Jon?

All candidates in Logan are independent because Logan City Council is an independent Council without direct influence of any political parties and Jon wants it to stay that way. 

Jon is a member of the Labor party, but he is not an endorsed candidate. He has not and will not receive donations from the party.

It’s like the difference between a player for the Broncos who has to do what the coach says or they’re off the team compared to being a supporter who wants the team to do well but can criticise them when they play badly.

Jon has worked really hard to keep party politics out of Logan City Council because he has seen what it’s like in Brisbane and it’s not what our community wants. The party wanted to run a ticket here and he said no, it’s not good for Logan.  

Jon will always put the people of Logan first. But he will use his relationships and networks on all sides of politics to help our city and community. 

What about Australia Day?

There isn’t an Australia Day debate in Logan. If Jon is Mayor, Australia Day and our citizenship ceremonies will remain on January 26. It is a significant day not just for people who were born here, but the thousands of new Australians who have become citizens on this day every year.

Will rates reform including removing the early payment discount?

No, it will not.

If my Councillor has no opponent, do I still have to vote for Mayor?

If you live in Division 6, 8, 9, 10 or 11 your Councillor has no opponent, so you don’t need to vote for them. 

But you still need to vote for Mayor! Please Vote 1 for Jon Raven!

Where does Jon stand on Gaza?