When is the election?

  • All local governments in Queensland have their elections on 16 March 2024
  • Early Voting begins on 4 March 2024
  • Postal vote application close 5pm on 4 March 204
  • Voting is compulsory for Council elections

Can I postal vote?

Electors who apply for a postal vote will have their voting materials mailed to them.        

If you would like to apply for a postal vote, you can do so on the Electoral Commission Queensland website after the 29th of January 2024.

Here is a short video explaining the process:

My dog Ghost can’t wait for the elections!

However if you’re registered as a special postal voter or silent elector, your voting materials will be mailed to you automatically.

Is Jon running for Division 5 still?

  • No. In order to run for Mayor, he has to give up running in Division 5.
  • If Jon doesn’t become Mayor he will no longer be elected in Logan.

What Division am I in?

  • Electoral Commission Queensland (ECQ) can tell you which division you live in.
  • Just click here and enter your address in the search bar.

Can I vote early?

  • Yes, anyone is welcome to vote early in local government elections.
  • Springlife Conference Centre
  • 178 Springwood Road, Springwood
  • Beenleigh Showgrounds, Annette & Lionel Mundt Exhibition Pavilion
  • 1/19 Showgrounds Drive, Beenleigh
  • Gracehouse Church 
  • 125 Paradise Road, Slacks Creek
  • The Buzz at Yarrabilba Community Centre (YMCA)
  • 65 Basalt Drive, Yarrabilba
  • Logan West Community Centre
  • 2 Wineglass Drive, Hillcrest

Where can I vote on election day?

  • You can vote at your usual polling locations around the city.
  • You do not have to vote in the Division that you live in, but you do have to vote in Logan.

Do I still have to vote if my local Councillor has no opponent?

  • If you live in Division 6 (Cr Tony Hall), 8 (Cr Jacob Heremaia), 9 (Cr Scott Bannan), 10 (Cr Miriam Stemp) or 11 (Cr Natalie Willcocks) your Councillor has no opponent, so you don’t need to vote for them.
  • You still need to vote for a Mayor though. Please Vote 1 for Jon Raven!

How do I know if I'm enrolled to vote?

  • You can check your enrollment details here.

Is Jon running in a team?

No, he is not. 

Jon believes this Council is working well together and he’d like to see that continue with the re-election of all the Councillors who are re-contesting their Divisions.

Who does Jon support to be the new Councillor for Division 5?

Jon trusts the judgment of people who live in Division 5 when it comes to choosing their next Councillor.

He’d prefer the person who replaces him to be a local to the area that has been part of the community in Marsden, Crestmead, Berrinba and Waterford West for a long time.

Is Jon in a political party?

All candidates in Logan are independent because Logan City Council is an independent Council without direct influence of any political parties and Jon wants it to stay that way.

Jon is a member of the Labor party, but he is not an endorsed candidate. He has not and will not receive donations from the party.

To understand this better you can compare it to being a player for the Broncos compared to being a supporter of the Broncos.

The player must do what the coach says or they are off the team. The supporter wants the Broncos to do well and barracks for them when they’re playing, but is also disappointed if they play badly or the players misbehave.

Jon will always put the needs of the city first. But he will use his relationships and experience from being in a political party to benefit the city and make sure that your voice is heard at every level of government.