• 24
  • Taking questions from the media at Tiki Tacos before a public lunch event.

    12:15 PM – 1:00 PM
    26 Salsa Ave, New York NY
    12:15 PM
  • 05
  • Official dedication of the new community center for the “Legaly Sound of Mind” organization.

    10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
    123 Fruit Cake Rd, Austin TX
    10:00 AM
  • Enjoy lunch with the future senator with the famous Elk Club at their historic lodge.

    6:30 PM – 10:00 PM
    123 Political Station, Austin TX
    6:30 PM
  • 09
  • Live debate on JOX News. Tune in or attend live to support Tim!

    8:00 PM – 11:00 PM
    88 Onair RD, Memphis TN
    8:00 PM
  • 15
  • Come join Tim at our Reno Rally at the Reno Convention Center Arena. He will be addressing many pressing issues.

    11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
    729 Sparkle Way, Reno NV
    11:00 AM
  • 21
  • Join the author, his family and friends, at Maud’s Coffee, for a book signing and more.

    All Day Event
    601 Grace ST, Gustard IA
    All Day